A Non-Denominational, Bible-teaching Church

Sunday Service 9:30am   |   301 Clinton St. Hudson, IL

Hudson Christian Church Logo A Bible teaching church in Bloomington Normal

Who Will Save Their Souls?

Sunday, May 31, 2020 9:30 AM

James 5:19-20

Passage Summary: James continues reflecting on Christ’s teaching in Matthew 18 and the restored church discipline aspects of the previous section to encourage pursuing those who stray. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we must be good apprentices. The call then expands out to general evangelism of the lost as the same principle applies: converting sinners is deeply loving to them, and deeply loving to God - who shed his blood that righteousness might flow.

Sermon Summary: Being part of the Brotherhood of Christ means laboring in the ministry of reconciliation (between both brethren as well as God and sinners) with a heart of sincere love and solemn responsibility.